Wednesday, September 26, 2007


As much as I didn't want to do the CNN site, I couldn't help but admire the redesigned website. After researching and taking public opinion for more than a year, CNN has come out with a site that delivers news in the most simplest way. It is so easy to navigate through local and international news. The design is very simple and yet meets the standards of a world class design. Considering, the news site is seen all over the world they have avoided many graphics, even for the links and yet by simply using curves for borders they have made it visually appealing. The addition of CNN video shows that they understand the world news has become more than text these days.

Overall a very well done site, maybe one of the best news sites, maybe right next to Al Jazeera.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Zurich Airport

As I was looking through the different sites, this is the only one that caught my attention. When you think world class airports, you expect something big, something beautiful and of course a plane. This website has taken the screen real estate and made perfect use of it by putting the image of a plane right in front of the airport. I felt like I was at the airport just lost in its huge lounges and wanting to explore more. Most of the other airports try to stuff information in and make you feel so congested but this site just leaves it open.

Unfortunately thats where it ends. The rest of the pages are boring and informational. Rarely do you see an image. I like the three clocks on the top, but I wish they had taken that idea and incorporated more time zones. It would have made a good design. I also hate the briefcases that keep floating around at the bottom and I don't understand the scroll bar at the top.

Zurich Airport has no type treatment to it or a logo. I think there is so much potential with the idea they have established. Maybe someday they will run with it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Clothing Retail

Tommy Hilfiger

This is one of the simplest clothing retail site you could find out there for a name like Hilfiger. But don't push it away just yet. Remember design serves function. If that is the case, this websites design works very well.

The focus of this website is on the material they sell. It's very easy navigation, links on the left and material on the side. Notice how everything is grayish except for the images and the logo. I also like how when you click on most materials, its got many pictures attached to it, which show every aspect of the shirt or material one is buying. It is a good assurance to know how your shirt looks like, when you are buying it online. The checkout process is also fairly easy.

The only con I have about this website is the fact that the links a little light and it might be hard for some people to read it. Other than that, design certainly serves function.